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What Are You Worth?

A leader has to know and be able to communicate value in order to convince others to follow. A business owner has to know why his or her business is valuable to consumers to attract customers. A church leader has to be able to communicate value and worth in order to build an active congregation.When a leader is communicating, he must be able to answer these questions:

  • In what way are we making something better for you?

  • In what way are we reducing or eliminating something bad for you?

It’s vital for a leader to communicate value. In order to do this:Understand your audience. What need do you answer? What problem do you solve? How do you help them be or do something that they can’t do right now? What is different or better for them because they have connected with you?Speak about the impact of what you do. If you are a church with great children’s programs, don’t say, “We have state of the art children’s programs”. Say, We equip children for life.”Use simple language that allows your audience to see and hear your message with clarity. Use tangible words and pictures. Say “tools” instead of “strategies.” Use action words that clearly describe impact. “You will make a profit” not just “You will increase business.”The genesis of speaking value is actually emotional. People often feel conflicted when talking about it. It is easy to identify when you don’t feel valued, respected, or appreciated, but knowing your value is somewhat different and more difficult to express.In my view, knowing your value and self-worth are inextricably linked. Self-worth is officially defined as “the sense of one’s own value or worth as a person.” That gets us started, but I think an extra extension of self-worth is understanding how much of a difference you have made in any given situation through your contributions.To be an effective leader, we have to know your worth. These very specific values will help you identify where you are and what needs work:I know my value when I have positive self-esteem. I believe in and like myself. I am comfortable in my own skin— my weight, height, and everything that makes and represents me. I am confident in the work I deliver and my professionalism. I like and build great relationships with people. When you know your value, you are able to confidently approach a negotiation with full belief in your knowledge, skills, and experience and the difference you can make.I know my value when I see myself as a peer and equal. I feel that I am an equal with anyone I interact with: clients, bosses, colleagues, or friends. I am not arrogant, but I do not put myself down, either. I have a personal sense of value and deservedness, and I treat myself as an equal in personal and business relationships.I know my value when I do not undercharge for my services. I am not driven by fear to cheat myself for my services. I properly assess the difference I can make, and confidently yet humbly price my services.I know my value when I am clear about my own values. I am aware of my boundaries. I am clear about what is acceptable behavior, how I want to be treated and spoken to, and I have the courage to speak out when necessary. I don’t need external validation to prove my value — instead, I have an internal confidence and compass that directs me.I know my value when I am engaged in work that is exciting and fulfilling. I am doing work that not only meets my financial needs, but my work is fulfilling as well. I work with unusual commitment. Because I love what I do, I am prepared to do and become more.I know my value when I believe that I am good enough. I believe have the resources and qualifications to do the job. I don’t need another course, degree, or title in order to feel capable. I know I am good enough.How do these indicators resonate with you? Some may feel like a total fit; others may seem foreign. But this is certain: being clear about your value leads to greater clarity and confidence in who you are and why it matters, personally as well as professionally. People who are confident and believe in themselves stand out. You will be noticed by the way you deal with people, render your services, and manage life.What to grow in your self-worth and value? Take a week, and every day use the list and honestly evaluate how you value yourself. Then select an area where you need to change, and ask this question: If I valued myself more, what would I do in this in my current situation?People who value themselves in a healthy manner add value to others. Make sure you do.

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